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Mecânica - Movimentos Relativos

by LearnPad Education Brasil

Science , Physics

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Synopsis: a navigation map guides a path to be traversed preferably, access to software features, although it is notable that highlights the possibilities of approach are numerous and depend on each case and pedagogical circumstances. Challenges in problems involving some of the concepts discussed are presented. In knowledge production is discussed, through the character of Galileo Lattes, results of surveys conducted from the problems presented in challenges. The virtual laboratory enables the identification of phenomena related to concepts involving the Relative Motion, grounded in conceptions and physical parameters that support it, the science related to inertial frames and non-inertial. Among the studied phenomena, are related to the concept of a particle trajectory when seen by a reference system which is a uniform motion, or with respect to a reference system that is at rest, i.e., stopped. In the virtual laboratory experiments can be simulated situations of motion of a boat in relation to the waters of a river moving with uniform speed. Once established the proposed system, the simulation allows us to observe how the boat moves towards the riverbank. The software includes an interactive assessment process, about the theoretical and experimental issues addressed. Concepts are grounded in theory, with varying examples, with access to other selected information, videos and resources imagery, directed to certain web addresses sources. The interactive map increases the interrelationships with the overall theme, and presents relevant aspects including Science, Technology and Society. History and technology bring, through the Time Tunnel, memorable moments inter - related to the general topic of software, by integrating the information to scientific concepts and technologies developed over time. In evaluation it is possible to find problems, challenges and some issues like ENEM and vestibular tests, in general, to foster the development of critical and creative thinking in solving issues that integrate into the overall theme of the software; all proposed problems have management errors, detailing a particular path chosen by the author, commenting on the solution. This platform of classroom and distance learning (Complexmedia) features a Teacher's Guide, through which it will find guidance, suggestions and information generally favoring better use of the resource, even if he notes that even though the said comprehensive guide is not an end in itself.
Source: The Physical Experiential.
URL: http://objetoseducacionais2.mec.gov.br/handle/mec/11253