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Teoria cinética dos gases

by LearnPad Education Brasil

Chemistry , Physics

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Synopsis: changes in the systems that are involved in the gaseous state, as are the thermodynamic transformations, relations that we know of the General Study Gases are valid. In this field, it was agreed to call "perfect gas" or "ideal gas" that respect the following characteristics: a) Clashes between the molecules and between them and the walls of the container are perfectly elastic; b) It is not considered the force of attraction between the molecules or the gravitational action (negligible); c) the diameter of the molecules is negligible with respect to the mean distance between collisions. The Kinetic Theory of Gases was developed based on these assumptions and is one of the study the foundations of thermodynamics, which brought numerous applications in machines and devices.
Source: Experiential Physics.
URL: http://objetoseducacionais2.mec.gov.br/handle/mec/19968