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O Contador de Histórias - Narração

by LearnPad Education Brasil

Portugese Language

File (37MB)



Synopsis: The film was based on true events, tells the story of Roberto Carlos Ramos, born in a slum in Belo Horizonte at the end of the 70s, and that, to 6 years, already showed great talent for storytelling. The youngest of ten children, is chosen by his mother to live in a new institution announced by the government as an opportunity for those living in poverty. By knowing a French pedagogue his life changes radically.
In this excerpt, Roberto tells his childhood, from their point of view, the poor neighborhood where he lived. This passage can be used to highlight the narrative elements such as: plot; environment, the time; characters among others.
Source: State of Paraná.
URL: http://www.portugues.seed.pr.gov.br/modules/video/showVideo.php?video=11972