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A mais recente crise financeira explicada

by LearnPad Education Brasil


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Synopsis: The term financial crisis is applied to a variety of situations in which financial institutions or assets suddenly lose value. In the nineteenth century and early twentieth century, many financial crises were associated with bank runs during periods of recession. Other characterized by the bursting of a financial bubble and crash of the stock market or by speculative attacks on the currency of a country or when a country suspends payment of its debt.
There are several theories about the development of the financial crisis and how to avoid them. However, there is no consensus among economists. The attacks continue to occur throughout the world and appear to produce with certain regularity, which may be inherent in the operation of the capitalist economy. Nowadays, the economic crisis of 2008, which affected the entire planet, is the strongest since the 1929 crisis.
Source: Fruga Portugal.
URL: http://youtu.be/kC_943HEla4