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Eureka Vestibular 2007 - Literatura 3 - Romantismo - Parte 2

by LearnPad Education Brasil

Portugese Language

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Synopsis: In this video, Professor Marlus presents the Literature class, focusing on the period of Romanticism (1836-1881). In this second part, Professor Marlus talks about Romanticism and its aspect in prose, highlighting the work "The Moreninha", by Joaquim Manoel de Macedo, who started prose Romanticism. It also presents the works of José de Alencar, showing the strands that this author wrote: romantic novels urban, Indian, historical and regionalist. Among the highlights of his works are the urban novels "Lucíola" and "Senhora"; and the Indians, such as "Ubirajara", "Iracema" - India with the lips of honey, and "O Guarani". Among the regional novels, he cites the works of Franklin Tavora, Bernardo Guimarães and Visconde de Taunay. Finally, he cites the works of Pre-Realistic Romance.
Source: Government of Paraná
URL: http://www.educadores.diaadia.pr.gov.br/modules/video/showVideo.php?video=14283