Synopsis: develop skills to relate aspects of the social environment on the phenomenology of physics, winning merely propaedeutic expectations; develop capacity to delineate the outline of problems and seek for investigative pathway, their possible solutions; develop intellectually modeling knowledge, or its production, as problems to be presented, in context, the user is invited / challenged to solve them; possible a greater breadth of technological aspects related to the development of physics, without losing sight of its historicity. Cleber Brazil makes mechanical prowess on his skateboard while Professor Galileo Lattes (avatar of the author) talks to Mariana in Brazil Radio Friction. Situations experienced through imagery, emphasizing the phenomenology of mechanics are being commented by Galileo, with the participation of Mariana. We mention and links to Quantum Mechanics, is entering the subatomic world, counting with a historical research of the Brazilian physicist César Lattes and the discovery of the pi meson. The integration of actions to imagery, with the logical discourse of physics, proposes an environment of unrest and provoking the participant.
Source: Physical Experiential.