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Organization and Device Administration



Ondas - I

by LearnPad Education Brasil


Website (8kB)



Synopsis: the media addresses the waves, starting from two interrelated steps: waves and electromagnetic waves. A quick presentation waves concept is made in the first episode. When classifying the wave motion in its diversifications (ocean waves, sound, light). In this way shows the relationship between the wave motion and the everyday, and the propagation of waves, latitudinal and transverse waves, always highlighting their relationship with everyday. The second episode focuses on electromagnetic waves, as well as the concepts of frequency oscillations and lengths, highlighting its relationship with everyday activities. The topic is explored from a meeting of a group of teenagers in school return.
Source: UNEB - Physics and Everyday.
URL: http://ambiente.educacao.ba.gov.br/fisicaecotidiano/conteudos/view/Ondas_view.html