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Organization and Device Administration




Hangman: Who is going to be hanged?
Hangman is a wonderful game, which you probably remember from your childhood. Before you needed a piece of paper or a whiteboard, you can now play on your phone or tablet!
Guess the hidden word by selecting letters. For each incorrect letter a part of the man appears. Do not let it hang!
Geography - Do you travel much? How many countries, cities and geographic names you know?
Gastronomy - Do you love cooking or eating? Discover the food and drinks.
Music - Popular music has no secrets from you? Guess the names of the artists.
Cinema - Film is your passion? Do you like good movies, actors and directors? This is your category!
Sport - You know all about sports? Do you like good athletes, teams and disciplines? Challenge yourself!
Animals - Are you good at biology or just love animals? It will give you good search.
Game modes:
A player
Select a category (or all) and guess random words. Have a clue for each word.
Two players
Play with a friend. Think of a word for your opponent. If you can not think of any words, generates a random. You can generate random words until you find one you like. The player who guesses more words.