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Organization and Device Administration



iToucan Talk (Autism) Beta

by Android in London

Application (4MB)



Second Beta version for testing! Full version soon.
Imagine being out in the park and your Autistic child starts screaming. Is he in pain? Is he thirsty? Does he need the toilet? You don't have your big PECS book or any other way of communicating....You're feeling frustrated...and he's feeling...well...tirsty?...tired?...angry!

Wouldn't it be great to be able to say to them "Calm down, use my phone and tell me what you want"?

Not being able to communicate your needs, desires or thoughts is so frustrating. Pointing to a glass of water and being told you cannot have the food next to it is very frustrating, when all you want is water. Wanting to say so much but having a very limited vocabulary would make anyone lose their temper.

With about 7,000 different pictographs in 14 different languages.
> English, Spanish, French,
> Chinese, German, Portuguese,
> Italian, Catalan, Brazilian Portuguese,
> Russian, Arabic, Polish,
> Romanian and Bulgarian

User defined cards and the ability to construct and speak sentences, iTucan Talk started out as an AAC way to help Autistic Children to communicate, so they didn't become frustrated or angry or fly into a rage.

It is now a way for anyone who has difficulty with speaking to be able to communicate. It's free of charge and does not contain advertising, relying solely on voluntary donations. So Dad, Mum, Brother, sister, child career, teacher can all have it on their phone or tablet without distracting ads.

