THE ULTIMATE GRAMMAR STUDY TOOL. Dive into a massive library of grammar activities written specially for intermediate learners of English.
Topics Covered
1. Parts Of Speech - Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb,Preposition,Conjunction, Interjection
2. Phrases
3. Degree Of Comparison
4. Quantifiers
5. Relative Clauses
6. Tenses
7. Active and Passive Voice
8. Articles
9. Capitalization
10. Conditionals
11. Idioms
12. Gender
13. Gerunds
14. Homonyms
15. Number
16. Possessive
17. Question Tags
18. Subjects, Verbs and Objects
19. Use Of Little, A Little, Few, A Few.....
20. Vocabulary
21. Determiners -
a. What are Determiners
b. Definite Articles
c. InDefinite Articles
d. Exceptions To Using The Definite Article
e. The Demonstratives
f. The Possessives.
g. Which, What, Whose
h. Which And Whose
i. Such, What, Rather, Quite
j. Other, Another.
12. Distributives -
a. All,Both,Half
b. Each,Either,Every,Neither
13. Quantifiers
1. The Quantifiers
2. Cardinal And Ordinal Numbers
3. Enough + Noun
4. Graded Quantifiers
5. Quantifiers with countable and uncountable nouns
6. The Quantifiers Some and Any
7. The Quantifiers-A few and few, a little and little
8. The Quantifiers-Compound nouns made with SOME, ANY and NO
Practice Questions in
Collective Noun
Correct Form of Nouns
Correct Words
General Questions
Nouns to Verb
Plural Forms
Reported speech
This app also includes English Tenses.
Also Practice questions for Tenses.
App will also show the correct and wrong answer so that you can study better.
If you want to practiceGrammar , then here is our English Grammar practice App