Subject : History
História da África
Período Regencial no Brasil
I Reinado no Brasil
A ditadura militar
II Guerra Mundial
I Guerra Mundial
As cruzadas
A crise de 29
O renascimento
A Revolução Francesa
O Nazifascismo
O período Vargas
A expansão marítima europeia
Revolução industrial
Lección 3. Historia 4º grado
Lección 3. Historia 6º grado.
Lección 3: Historia 5º grado
Roma antiga
O sistema colonial
Sistemas de notação do tempo
Império Bizantino
Lección 3 : Exploración 2° grado
Revolução Russa
O Feudalismo
Lección 1 bim : Exploración 1° gdo
A Europa na Idade Média
Grécia Antiga
Demo Preparatoria: Historia
Lección 1 bim: Historia 4° gdo
Lección 1 bim: Historia 5° gdo
Lección 1: Historia 6° grado
CA.SS-8.12 - Analyze the Economy and Social and Political Conditions in the US During Industrial Revolution
CA.SS-8.11 - Analyze the character and lasting consequences of Reconstruction
CA.SS-8.10 - Analyze the Causes, Key Events, and Consequences of the Civil War
CA.SS-8.9 - Analyze the Attempts to Ablolish Slavery and the Ideals of the Declaration of Independence
CA.SS-8.8 - Analyze the American People in the West from 1800 to the mid-1800's
CA.SS-8.7 - Analyze the American People in the South from 1800 to the mid-1800's
CA.SS-8.6 - Analyze the American People in the Northeast from 1800 to the mid-1800's
CA.SS-8.5 - Analyze US Foreign Policy in the Early Republic
CA.SS-8.4 - Analyze the Aspirations and Ideals of the People of a New Nation
CA.SS-8.3 - The American Political System and the Ways Citizens Participate
CA.SS-8.2 - The US Constitution and the Powers of the Federal Government
CA.SS-8.1 - Founding of Our Nation and the Development of Democracy
CA.SS-7.11 - Analyze the Age of Exploration, the Enlightenment, and the Age of Reason
CA.SS-7.9 - Historical Developments of the Reformation
CA.SS-7.8 - Analyze the Renaissance
CA.SS-7.7 - Meso American vs. Andean Civilizations
CA.SS-7.5 - Civilization of Medieval Japan
CA.SS-7.6 - Civilizations of Medieval Europe
CA.SS-7.4 - Sub-Saharan Civilizations of Ghana and Mali in Medieval Africa
CA.SS-7.3 - Civilization of China in the Middle Ages
CA.SS-7.2 - Civilization of Islam in the Middle Ages
CA.SS-7.1 - Causes and Effects of the Roman Empire
CA.SS-6.7 - Students Analyze the Development of Rome
CA.SS-6.6 - Students Analyze Early Civilizations of China
CA.SS-6.5 - Students Analyze India
CA.SS-6.4 - Students Analyze Ancient Greece
CA.SS-6.3 - Students Analyze the Ancient Hebrews
CA.SS-6.1 - Development of Humankind from the Paleolithic Era to the Agricultural Revolution
CA.SS-5.8 - American People from 1789 to the mid-1800s
CA.SS-5.6 - Revolution
CA.SS-5.5 - Revolutionary War
CA.SS-5.4 - Colonial Period
CA.SS-5.3 - Conflict
CA.SS-5.2 - Exploration
CA.SS-7.10 -Analyze the Scientific Revolution
CA.SS-K.1 - Citizenship
CA.SS-5.7 - US Government
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